Requirements and Guidelines for UBC Subdomains

All subdomain requests must meet the following guidelines:

  1. Every unit is allowed ONE third-level domain.

    This is a subdomain name such as ""; e.g.

    To qualify for a third-level domain name, your unit must be one of the following:

    1. A faculty;
    2. A department;
    3. A cross-disciplinary group that does not report administratively to any one department or faculty;
    4. A school;
    5. An institute;
    6. A service (e.g. Food Services);

    All UBC units are listed in the UBC Faculty and Administrative Directory .

  2. A unit may be granted an additional third-level domain under the following conditions:
    1. The unit is either cross-disciplinary or managed and owned by multiple UBC departments*;
    2. The website is representative or serves the interests of the entire university, e.g. UBC's Strategic Plan is owned by the President's Office, but serves the entire university.
  3. All UBC units are allowed multiple fourth-level domains.

    This is a subdomain name such as ""; e.g.

    Check with the IT administrator of your unit for eligibility.

  4. Your unit must have the right to use the name.

    Registering a domain name does not confer any legal rights to that name. Any disputes between parties over the rights to use a particular name are to be settled between the contending parties using normal legal methods. Subdomain requests must be approved by the department head.

What are the guidelines around choosing an appropriate domain name?

* Updated Sept 2014