Integration Model -Archived

Step Description
1 A visitor enters the partner's website/portal and clicks on the login button to gain access.
2 The visitor is re-directed to the default CWL login page, where they are prompted for their CWL username and password.
3 The CWL Auth 2 engine (Auth2) verifies the visitor's username and password against the CWL database.

Auth2 sends a session ticket to the Partner Adaptor, the latter of which is created by the partner and used for communicating with CWL. The session ticket has two purposes:

  • To limit the window for transactions after authentication to 30 minutes.
  • The second is to ensure the correct adaptor receives the requested data.
5 The Partner Adaptor returns the ticket to Auth 2 to prove that it is, in fact, the correct adaptor and that the session has not expired. This step is called Ticket Validation.
6 If the ticket is valid then a CWL session is established.
7 The Client Adaptor uses the resulting session to call an API.
8 Providing the session is still valid, Auth2 presents the appropriate data requested by the API call.
9 The Client Adaptor passes the data to the Partner Application, and providing the data is correct, it will authorize the user access to the partner site/portal.