UBC students can now download Microsoft 365 Office applications from Microsoft’s portal.office.com at no cost.
To get Microsoft 365 applications from portal.office.com, sign up for an @student.ubc.ca email account. Once signed up, follow the steps listed on UBC IT’s Microsoft 365 for Students page.
What’s included in Microsoft’s portal.office.com
- Word
- Excel
- PowerPoint
- Outlook
- OneNote
- Publisher (with Windows only)
- Access (with Windows only)
- Online access to Teams and OneDrive
The Office 365 subscription via UBC Software Portal will be no longer available from August, 1, 2021. Students are encouraged to create a Student email (cwl@student.ubc.ca) and opt-in for M365 service via MyCWL Account page in order to access MS Software.
For more information, please visit the UBC IT Microsoft 365 Office for Students Service Catalogue page.
Got questions?
For questions or concerns, please contact the IT Service Centre.