Learn about the UBC IT Plan

The UBC IT plan honours and reflects the extensive community input provided through external reviews, the emerging digital framework, the UBC Strategic Plan, and the perspectives of the advisory bodies that guide our efforts. 

This plan was developed and revised through the work of more than 80 UBC IT professionals with diverse expertise from across UBC.  

The four main themes of this plan include: 

  1. Community Support: UBC IT plays a crucial role in supporting the university community by ensuring that students, faculty, and staff have access to the necessary technology for success. Aligned with the UBC Strategic Plan, our new UBC IT plan has a goal of supporting fostering excellence in teaching, learning, and research, promoting collaboration within the university, and enhancing the overall experience for students, faculty, and staff. 
  2. Technology foundation: UBC IT is responsible for building and sustaining a resilient and secure technological infrastructure for the university. By working through current challenges of increasing cyber threats, evolving needs, and rising system costs, the plan outlines how to achieve our goals of reinforcing the university's technical foundation, safeguarding digital assets, and optimizing the value users receive from technology investments.  
  3. Team enablement: Teamwork is an essential part of the implementation of our new IT plan. The plan aims to strengthen the UBC IT team and support team growth while ensuring continued access to resources. With these achievements in mind, the plan outlines UBC IT’s goals of leveraging and celebrating team strengths, attracting and retaining top IT talent, and cultivating a culture centered on responsibility, partnership, and alignment. 
  4. Organizational Capability: Through a dedication to empowering the UBC community and fortifying the IT foundation, there is recognition for a call for renewed emphasis on improving internal processes and recognition for a renewed focus on improving internal processes in this new plan. Through prioritizing the growth of organizational capabilities of the new plan has goals of optimizing department processes, maturing UBC IT practices, and enhancing transparency and accountability within the organization 

Our plan (2023 -2026), is guided by these core themes. In the first year, our primary focus has been on identification, creation, initiation, and assessment. During this phase, we have been developing standard operational procedures, evaluating requirements, and laying the foundation for key projects. 

Check out the UBC IT Plan website