Its almost the end of term and those of you leaving UBC will want want to make sure your Qualtrics surveys and respondent data are properly dealt with. By attending to any administrative tasks now, you can avoid causing issues that could impact colleagues who may rely on your survey data for their work.
Your access to the UBC Survey Tool, Qualtrics, will end when you graduate, or your school or work term ends. Set aside some time to review your surveys to determine what needs to be done with them before April 30, 2021, the end of the Winter term. After this date, you will no longer be able to access your UBC Qualtrics account.
Tasks you will want to attend to might include:
- closing all your surveys
- backing up and deleting your surveys
- submit a request to transfer ownership of your surveys to another Qualtrics user such as a colleague or supervisor
- submit a request for removal from any groups you were added to
If you you still need access to a UBC survey or to UBC Qualtrics after April 30, 2021 to do university-related work you can either:
- ask your supervisor or a colleague to sponsor you for a CWL Guest account; or
- provide the survey owner your email address so you can be added as an external collaborator
By properly closing off your UBC Qualtrics account before leaving the institution, you are helping to protect the privacy and information security of the university community. Remembering to do your part helps ensure that your survey data and the privacy of your respondents remains safe.
For any other help with managing your UBC Qualtrics account, please submit a request to https://web.it.ubc.ca/forms/isf