UBC IT will be retiring the McAfee Encryption management service on June 24, 2021. We will continue to manage encryption for supported devices by leveraging the capabilities of existing licensed products (MS InTune for PCs and Jamf Pro for Macs). This change will result in significant cost savings for the University.
Encryption is a method of preventing unauthorized access to electronic data. It is used to protect data on devices such as computers, laptops, cellphones, or USB sticks. It can also be used to protect data during transmission.
Encryption is imperative for sending sensitive information, securing your documents, keeping your email private and, ultimately, it allows for peace of mind if a computer is misplaced, lost or stolen.
UBC’s Information Security Standard U5, mandates that all devices, whether UBC-supplied or personally-owned, that are used to access UBC Electronic Information and Systems, must be encrypted. Since the inception of this security standard, UBC has utilized the McAfee Encryption Service to meet this requirement. UBC IT has provided this central key escrow management service at no cost to managed and non-managed clients (non-managed devices having been handled by departmental IT support personnel).
For details about the retirement of the McAfee software, and the user experience when loading the appropriate replacement software, please visit the Encryption Management Service Migration page.