Apply Online
Please visit the UBC Careers website to view current opportunities. Each job description can be viewed in its entirety by clicking on the posting title. At the end you will see the "Apply Now" button. From there you'll be asked to provide your basic contact details and attach your full application (including cover letter and resume).

Application Reviewed
Your application will be reviewed by interview panel members and if your application demonstrates a good fit with the requisite skills and experience the hiring manager, or designate, will contact you for an interview. Our job advertisements do not have formal closing deadlines and continue to be advertised until filled.

Phone Interview
Our interview process typically begins with an initial phone screen from the hiring Manager or designate, which tends to focus on your experience and interests. Once you have been contacted for an interview we aim to keep the process moving along quickly, and we'll schedule your interview as quickly as possible, dependent on availability. Following the phone screen, we aim to provide feedback to you within 5 – 10 business days. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

On-Campus Interviews
Following the phone screen, you may be invited for an interview at one of our UBC IT campuses and locations. In some circumstances Skype or conference interviews may be possible. During these interviews—which last about one hour—you'll typically meet with an interview team consisting of two to six interviewers, who might be peers, managers or clients.
Some interview processes may have up to three rounds of interviews, each with slight variances to the interview team, focus and process. Our interviews are typically question / answer format, but may also include presentations or role play scenarios. You may also be asked to participate in some skills-testing exercises.
At the time you are contacted for an interview you will be informed of the interview format, if there is an anticipation of further rounds, and any other logistical details.

Final Decision and Follow-Up
We like to reach a decision about the applicants we interview within five businesses days of completing the interview process, but the hiring Manager will let you know more specifically when you can expect to hear the result.