FASmail - Setup Documents

Notice for Exchange Online Users

If you have migrated to Exchange Online, post-migration information and instructions are located on the M365 website User Guides webpage. The information on this page is for users of FASmail who have not yet migrated to Exchange online.

The setup documents listed below are step-by-step instructions for configuring your email client to use the UBC Faculty and Staff email (FASmail) service. While setup documentation for various Email applications are provided below, we recommend using the Outlook Web App to access your mailbox.

Creating a FASmail mailbox

Please note that this option is available only to eligible Staff and Faculty members who have been approved by an Authorized Departmental FASmail Contact/Administrator. For eligibility requirements, please refer to the following link:

Webmail (Outlook Web App)

You can access your FASmail Email and Calendar using any popular web browser. To log into the Outlook Web App, follow the link below:

Email Setup Documents

Supported Programs and Clients - FASmail customers only
Application Platform Setup Guides
Outlook Windows Autodiscover | How to Open Additional Mailboxes
Outlook Mac Autodiscover | How to Open Additional Mailboxes
Mac Mail Mac Autodiscover
Unsupported Programs and Clients
Mobile Devices
Apple iPhone/iPad iOS ActiveSync
Android Devices Android OS 10+
Blackberry 10+

 Please note: The Microsoft Outlook App for iOS and Android is not permitted for use with FASmail due to privacy concerns.  For more information, please click here.
Application Platform Setup Guides
Mozilla Thunderbird

For information on how to access a Generic Mailbox, please refer to the FASmail Usage Guides section.

Mail Server Settings

If your email application is not supported or documented, please use this table of server settings to find the appropriate settings:

Email Protocol Server Info Other Info
Secure IMAP (see Important Note below)
imap.mail.ubc.ca SSL required, port 993
Secure SMTP smtp.mail.ubc.ca TLS and authentication required, port 587
MAPI mail.ubc.ca Must be connected to VPN to set up
Outlook Anywhere (RPC) rpc.mail.ubc.ca See Setup Docs
ActiveSync activesync.mail.ubc.ca
Outlook Web App www.mail.ubc.ca

Additional Email Protocol Information

The following table outlines the protocols that are supported by the FASmail service.

Setup Method Description
Autodiscover The Autodiscover service uses the email address and associated domain to automatically find settings and configure the user's email application using Outlook Anywhere (RPC), Exchange Web Services or ActiveSync.
Outlook Anywhere (RPC over SSL) Outlook Anywhere (RPC) allows full access to all Exchange features including accessing email, calendars (shared and personal), contacts, task lists and notes directly from the Exchange server. When setting up Outlook on a PC, RPC is preferred over all methods because you don't need to connect to the UBC VPN service every time you want to access your email from off-campus or through the UBC wireless network.
(not recommended)
MAPI is Microsoft's proprietary email protocol designed to take full advantage of the Exchange service features while using Outlook on a PC. Usage of MAPI requires a connection to the UBC VPN service every time email is accessed from off-campus or through the UBC wireless network.
Exchange Web Services Exchange Web Services is an Email protocol that is used to communicate with the Exchange service. This protocol is typically used by Email applications on the Mac. Outlook 2011, Mac Mail and Entourage use this protocol.
ActiveSync The ActiveSync protocol is able to connect to Exchange and synchronize email, calendars, contacts and tasks. It is used by most common mobile devices including iPhones, Androids, Windows Phones and the new Blackberry devices.
Secure IMAP
(see Important Note below)
Secure IMAP (IMAP4) is an email protocol that allow your email application (such as Thunderbird, Eudora, Mac OS X Mail, etc.) to access email directly on the server. The drawback of using IMAP is that you cannot use all the FASmail features such as calendaring, contacts, tasks and etc. It can only be used for email communication. IMAP is recommended over POP because IMAP provides backup security by storing messages on the server.

Important Notes regarding the IMAP protocol:  

  • For the security of UBC's FASmail service, the legacy Secure IMAP (IMAPS) protocols are no longer enabled by default
  • Users who require access to FASmail over IMAPS may submit a request to the UBC IT Service Centre (identity verification will be required)