Voicemail and Unified Messaging


UBC IT provides voicemail and Unified Messaging services to the university. UBC currently provides two types of service:

  • Unified Messaging: Integrates voice mail with email. Voice mail messages and options can be accessed via Outlook, Outlook Web Access, and over the phone.
    Important: Available only to subscribers who have a FASmail account. Currently UBC IT is in the process of rolling out FASmail to all departments, therefore not all staff members will be eligible for Unified Messaging at this point in time.
  • Voice Mail-Only: Provides a voice mail box. Available to subscribers who do not have a FASmail account, and common use phones.


Unified Messaging

  • Shares 5GB FASmail mailbox quota
  • Voice mail will appear in email as a message, with a text transcript and the recording
  • Voice mail options and recordings can be managed within Outlook and Outlook Web Access
  • Call handling rules can be defined, diverting calls or playing specific messages based on Caller ID
  • Voice mail, email and calendaring information can be retrieved through the phone interface

Voice Mail-Only

  • 20MB mailbox quota (allowing ~200 voice mail messages to be stored)
  • Voice mail is accessed over the phone
  • Voice mail and recordings can be forwarded to other subscribers

Features & Benefits

  • Available 24/7

Getting Started
