You may have heard of a practice called Zoom bombing where during a Zoom session, intruders hijack the session by saying or showing inappropriate content. Zoom bombers who are successful in disrupting sessions can also post video footage of those incidents to video sharing platforms.
To prevent Zoom bombings, use the following Zoom meeting best practices:
- Avoid sharing meeting links on social media or public outlets
- Avoid using Personal Meeting IDs
- Restrict screen sharing to the host
- Manage participants by muting participants or disabling video
- Remove unwanted or disruptive participants
- Use the waiting room feature to ensure that only the participants you want are allowed to join the meeting.
If you experience Zoom bombing, report the incident to the Cybersecurity team at security@ubc.ca and Zoom Support.
For more information and full details on how to use the features listed above, visit the IT website Zoom webpage.