Beginning August 31st, 2020, UBC will require all new Zoom meetings to have a passcode enabled for increased security.
Any new meetings that you create as of August 31st will have a passcode automatically enabled and generated. Any meetings that were created before August 31st will not be affected by this change.
Beginning September 27th, 2020, Zoom will enforce a system-wide change by automatically enabling a waiting room for any meetings that do not have a passcode. It is recommended that you edit your existing meetings to enable a passcode to avoid having the waiting room automatically enabled on this date.
If you use the Outlook plugin to schedule Zoom meetings and wish to edit your existing meetings to enable a passcode before August 31st, you can view instructions here.
UBC has opted to implement its own change on August 31st in order to minimize the potential impact of Zoom's own change in September, which is typically a very busy time of year for faculty and staff.
For more information on Zoom's changes, please visit Zoom's FAQ page.
For general information on Zoom at UBC, visit the Zoom webpage on the UBC IT website.