UBC Research Data Management Fall Series 2020

Interested in learning more about research data management (RDM)? Heard about the Tri-Agency's upcoming RDM Policy and want to know how to meet the requirements?

The UBC RDM Fall Series 2020 will run daily virtual sessions from September 28 – October 16.

These sessions will walk through the full research data lifecycle, with a series of hands-on workshops that build on one another using a mock research project and data (although we encourage you to bring your own project if you'd like!). We'll explore practical skills that will allow you to meet Tri-Agency requirements, organize and maintain control of your data, and develop workflows for your research lab.

These sessions are open to all UBC faculty, staff, and students, and will be presented by the UBC Research Commons, UBC Advanced Research Computing (ARC), the UBC Okanagan Library, and the UBC Centre for Scholarly Communications.

View the full schedule here: hxxps://libcal.library.ubc.ca/calendar/?t=d&q=RDM%20Fall%20Series%202020&cid=7544&cal=7544&inc=0