Teamshare-SLMS is a UBC IT provided storage system that integrates with Enterprise Active Directory (EAD), and is used by IT administrators to access and install software.
For more information on the Teamshare service, please visit the Teamshare Storage service page.
Accessing Teamshare-SLMS
To access Teamshare-SLMS, you must meet the following requirements:
- Be an IT administrator that is working for a UBC entity (this may include contractors who are not UBC staff) and have a legitimate business function for accessing the software repository.
- Have both a Campus-Wide Login (CWL) account and an AdminEnterprise Active Directory account.
- Have access to the Teamshare-SLMS share provisioned specifically by UBC IT Service Centre
- Connecting device must be using a wired connection with a campus IP address (connecting via wireless using the UBC VPN is acceptable).
Please note: The individual must use their own account for accessing the software repository. Shared user accounts are not permitted. The usage of the service must also meet the guidelines specified in UBC Policy SC14, “Acceptable Use and Security of UBC Electronic Information and Systems,” plus the Terms of Use for your CWL Account.
In addition, any individual accessing the service is required to sign a letter of understanding regarding the usage of the SLMS Service, which ensures clients adhere to the software license agreements as set out by the various vendors and manufacturers of the application product.
If you are accessing the Teamshare-SLMS service for the first time, UBC IT Software Licensing will provide you this letter, which must be signed and returned to them prior to accessing any folder. For further details, please contact UBC IT Software Licensing.
What is available on Teamshare-SLMS
By default, Teamshare-SLMS users will be given access to the below software:
- Desktop Applications
- Operating Systems
- Server Applications
Please note that when obtaining access to the new software repository, all folders will be visible but many of them will appear empty and have no files. This is a normal function of the new software repository. Due to concerns over inappropriate software distribution and copying, the University is required to closely monitor the administration process of licensed software. If you have purchased software through UBC IT, you will see the files for the particular product that you have purchased. If you had purchased software previously but are unable to view the files for your product, please contact IT Site licensing with your proof of purchase to regain access.
Requesting Access to Teamshare-SLMS
To request access to Teamshare-SLMS, please ensure that you have a Campus-Wide Login (CWL) and Enterprise Active Directory (EAD) account.
IT administrators that are not UBC staff will need to have an existing UBC staff or faculty member sponsor a CWL account for them. Please consult the CWL Sponsor page for further details on guest sponsorship.
To obtain an admin EAD account, contact the IT Service Centre.
Once both accounts are created, email IT Software Licensing to request access to UBC’s Software Repository on Teamshare-SLMS. In the email, please provide:
- Your name
- Your CWL
- Department name with corresponding IAM short code
If you are looking to purchase licensed software, please consult the IT Software Licensing page for the particular product you are interested in for additional details on what’s entailed to obtain access.