The Remote Access to Labs (Remote Labs) service provides students with access to the University Lab Computers over the internet.
Students requesting access to a specific computer lab within their faculty should reach out to their lab or faculty instructor for further instructions.
Features & Benefits
- Easy and Convenient: Students are able to remote access to University Lab Computers from anywhere, at anytime and using the browser on their preferred device over the Internet without any special knowledge needed.
- Secure: The communication between students’ browser and lab computers are protected through encrypted secure sessions (HTTPS).
- Reporting tool: Provide accurate, timely and reliable usage data of computer labs to make informed decisions.
UBC Faculty and staff responsible for computing labs.
Sign Up Requirements
- The service is available to UBC Department/Faculty.
- The service supports Windows & Apple computer lab environments.
For inquiries regarding service costs, please submit a ticket to the IT Service Centre.
Further Information
Getting Started
- For information on how to connect to a specific lab within your faculty, contact your lab instructor.
For service queries please contact the IT Service Centre at https://ubc.service-now.com/selfservice.
- Easy and Convenient: Students are able to remote access to University Lab Computers from anywhere, at anytime and using the browser on their preferred device over the Internet without any special knowledge needed.
- Secure: The communication between students’ browser and lab computers are protected through encrypted secure sessions (HTTPS).
- Reporting tool: Provide accurate, timely and reliable usage data of computer labs to make informed decisions.
UBC Faculty and staff responsible for computing labs.
- The service is available to UBC Department/Faculty.
- The service supports Windows & Apple computer lab environments.
For inquiries regarding service costs, please submit a ticket to the IT Service Centre.
- For information on how to connect to a specific lab within your faculty, contact your lab instructor.
For service queries please contact the IT Service Centre at https://ubc.service-now.com/selfservice.