Remote Access to Labs


The Remote Access to Labs (Remote Labs) service provides students with access to the University Lab Computers over the internet.

Students requesting access to a specific computer lab within their faculty should reach out to their lab or faculty instructor for further instructions.

Features & Benefits

  • Easy and Convenient: Students are able to remote access to University Lab Computers from anywhere, at anytime and using the browser on their preferred device over the Internet without any special knowledge needed.
  • Secure: The communication between students’ browser and lab computers are protected through encrypted secure sessions (HTTPS).
  • Reporting tool: Provide accurate, timely and reliable usage data of computer labs to make informed decisions.



UBC Faculty and staff responsible for computing labs.

Sign Up Requirements


For inquiries regarding service costs, please submit a ticket to the IT Service Centre.

Further Information

Getting Started

  • For information on how to connect to a specific lab within your faculty, contact your lab instructor.