Penalty Box

The Penalty Box is currently unavailable. We apologize and are sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused.

The ResNet Penalty Box ensures that everyone on ResNet has fair access to high network speeds. In the past, a small number of people on ResNet used more than their share of bandwidth - resulting in slower network performance for everyone.

Note: The ResNet Penalty Box will only appear for users who are connected to the ResNet network.

How the Penalty Box Works

The Penalty Box is an automated system that determines when someone on ResNet has exceeded their traffic quota for the last 24 hours. When someone has gone over quota, their network speed for all off-campus traffic is limited. These limits are removed when the Penalty Box determines that the individual's traffic for the last 24 hours has fallen below 45 GB.

When someone is in the Penalty Box, they will notice no difference in speed while accessing resources within UBC. At the same time, non-UBC traffic will still operate at a high enough speed for usable web browsing and external email.

UBC IT is currently updating the ResNet content to reflect recent changes made to the service. During this time, we encourage users to contact the UBC IT Service Centre with any questions and concerns you may have.