Interview Tips

What we look for
What the UBC IT interview process is like
What questions you can expect
Come well-rested
Dress comfortably
Relax and be yourself


What we look for
We interview for a number of things – knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience. We also interview to ensure a good fit with our team; this means hiring people who fit into our culture. Our employees are leaders, passionate about technology, innovative, creative, strategic, and see change and challenge as opportunities.

We have a number of competencies within our organization that we generally look for. The requirements will vary for each role and the type and proficiency of each competency is dependent on the role you're interviewing for. We don't expect everyone to possess all the competencies or to be operating at an expert level; no one combination is the right one – view our Job Postings for detailed information on which ones are required for each role.

For a more thorough review of the competencies see the Career Framework Website.

What the UBC IT interview process is like
We've outlined the interview process in step-by-step detail, so you know what to expect when you apply with UBC IT. View the Application Process page to find out more.

What questions you can expect
The specific questions we ask will depend on the position you're applying for, but generally our questions are intended to help us see your capabilities and potential to grow. Our interviewers will address experience, knowledge and skills, as well as key competencies and cultural fit. We will also discuss, as applicable, your relationship with UBC. 

Come well-rested
You'll typically meet for an hour with between three to six people for your interview. During the interview it's important to be alert and mentally prepared so our best advice is to come well-rested. Checking the directions and public transit schedules or parking availability the night before and arriving a few minutes early will go a long way to easing any anxiety you may have. 

Dress comfortably
Business casual is typically the best choice for an interview; however it is always a good measure to consider the role you are interviewing for. Consult with the hiring manager if you have any specific questions.

Relax and be yourself
Genuine enthusiasm and a positive attitude can help you make a good impression. We also advise candidates to familiarize themselves with our organization – review the UBC IT website and the UBC IT Service Catalogue, understand our values and visions outlined in our Strategic Plan, and familiarize yourself with the departments that you are interested in. You may also wish to review the UBC and Career Framework sites.