Faculty and staff who currently use Workspace 2.0 (files.workspace.ubc.ca) as a storage solution need to migrate all of their files off of the service and onto another UBC supported storage service before October 29, 2021. The file sharing service, Workspace 2.0, is end-of-life and will be decommissioned on October 29, 2021. To ensure that data you have stored on this service is not lost, please migrate your files to the data storage solution appropriate to the content of the file being migrated.
File Storage Options Available to You
MS OneDrive
General data accessible by you and others that you provide read or write access to, including non-UBC users
See Workspace to OneDrive Migration Steps for further information.
MS Teams
General data shared across units at UBC for collaboration purposes
Home Drive
File repository for individual files only meant to be accessible by you (VPN connection required)
General and sensitive data accessible by you and your UBC colleagues (VPN connection required)
Migrate your files as soon as possible
It is imperative that you migrate all of your files from Workspace 2.0 to Microsoft OneDrive before October 29, 2021, as files remaining on Workspace 2.0 after that date will no longer be accessible.
IT support staff cannot perform the migration for you
Migrating your files from one service to another is a manual process, if you have large sized files stored in Workspace 2.0, it is highly recommended that you begin migrating data off of the service immediately. Workspace 2.0 is an on premise application with files being stored onsite using UBC servers. The storage solutions available to migrate to are either, cloud based with files being stored offsite at a Canadian data center, or accessible only by the individual. This means that migrating your files is a manual process and cannot be performed by someone else on your behalf. Therefore, while IT can provide guidance on migrating data, it is up to individual Workspace users to assess and determine what data to migrate and where to migrate it to.
Sharing permissions may no longer be valid
Make note of any sharing permissions associated with a file prior to migrating it off of Workspace 2.0. When a file is migrated off of Workspace 2.0 and moved to MS OneDrive the sharing permissions associated with that file will have to be reestablished. This is an excellent opportunity to take stock of who has access to your files, to confirm if previous permission settings are still applicable, and to properly allocate data to the correct storage solution based upon the nature of the file being migrated.
Files remaining on Workspace 2.0 after October 29, 2021
After October 29, 2021, any remaining files in Workspace 2.0 will be permanently unavailable. There will be no possibility of restoring or retrieving forgotten files.
If you require further assistance contact your local IT support desk or the IT Service Centre