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News, opinion, advice and research on computer security threats from Sophos


Updated: 9 years 3 weeks ago

Serious Security: Understanding the 'P' in 'VPN'

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. But that doesn't necessarily mean "private" as in privacy. Paul Ducklin helps you understand the various levels of 'P' in 'VPN.'

Can you trust Tor's exit nodes?

Tor is the encrypted, anonymous way to browse the web that keeps you safe from prying eyes, right? Well, maybe not. Researcher Chloe created a honeypot website and dared Tor's exit node operators to steal the password. Sixteen of them did.

US Navy pays millions to cling to Windows XP

More than a year after Microsoft pulled the plug on free support for the end-of-life'd OS, hundreds of millions of users are still clinging to the drifting ship.
