Existing Contact Centre Solution

UBC currently utilizes two contact centre solutions: Nortel Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) and Nortel Contact Center 6 (CC6). Across campus, there are thirteen departments using ACD and seven departments using CC6. The service offering varies from department to department according to their contact centre needs and design.

Approximately 500 agent accounts exist across Nortel ACDs and CC6 at UBC (around 50 agents using CC6 and 450 using ACD). These agents exist in multiple departments and have different business goals, which could include:

  • Academic advising & non-advising
  • Technical support / Help desk
  • Fundraising
  • Emergency operations
  • Professional services
  • Community services

At UBC, the people who typically call in to the contact centres are: current & prospective students, faculty members, alumni, employees, and the general public.