Login Security (Controlling Access)

If unauthorized individuals gain access to the UBC network using your ID and password, the security of everyone on the network may be jeopardized. Your password could be changed, your files altered, emails sent out using your identity, and your computer used to attack others.

You are responsible for what occurs on your PC, so:

  • Do not share your user ID and password with anyone. (Hacking often begins with someone posing as tech support requesting your password.)
  • Do not use your access privileges to enable others to access information.
  • Do not allow anyone to use your computer while you are logged on.
  • Do not leave your computer logged on, or unattended for long periods of time. Logout when away and shut down the computer when it is not in use.
  • Do not use your UBC credentials particularly your UBC passwords, for non-UBC websites/application.
  • Protect yourself by installing password-protecting software or a password-protected screen saver. Read more about Password Security
  • If your PC is equipped with a lock, lock it before leaving for the day.